This week my class had to take their midterm exam. It consisted of multiple choice, true/false and short answer. I only conducted the test for my morning class since class started late because of a prior planned ROTC event that ran late. In my afternoon class, I gave them their exam then conducted normal class. I covered "Problem Solving" with the afternoon class. I went over how to identify a problem and how to develop a criteria that would solve it. I addressed the steps in order to complete this as well as different types of biases. Towards the end of class we performed several practical exercise which consisted of answering simple problems that people may over look.
With this problem 2 through 6 can be solved the in the same manner. Problem 7 and 8 can be solved in the same manner but can also be solved in less steps. This shows how people can become fixated and not see the whole picture.
This problem starts out with just showing the dots and asking if they can draw the line. The idea behind this is to show how attention to detail as well as thinking out side of the box is necessary.
How do you mount the candle on the wall using just these materials?